The Effects of Meditative Motivation on Mental Health in Those Who Experienced Chakra Meditation: Mediating Effect of Health State
HeeJung Lee,Dept. of Naturopathic, Dongbang Culture University, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Korea
Sela Lim,Dept. of Clinical Psychology, NungIn University, Paltan-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
This study explored correlation of People of chakra meditation program operation agency in Seoul of Korea for the chakra meditation experience motivation, and mental health to confirm mediation model and path of physical and emotional and social and subjective health state. To this end, data was collected from 223 survey results conducted by 250. The survey consisted of, the Chakra Meditation Experience Motivation scale, the Mental Health (SCL90-R) Questionnaire and The Korean Health Status Measure. The results were analyzed by SPSS macro program. For the research result, this study presented descriptive statics for each variable of respondents’ and conducted correlation analysis among chakra meditation experience motivation (Selbstfindung) to mental health (depression) through emotional health state (B=0.886, CI: [0.159-1.857]). However, the path model on the relationship among Chakra meditation experience motivation (Selbstfindung) and emotional health state and mental health(depression) was verified and suggested as well. Afterwards, the author discussed the contribution and limitation of this study, and suggestions for further research.
Chakra meditation experience motivation, Mental health, State of health, Mediation effect
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