Authors Guidelines

1. Submission

1.1. Original Papers

All papers submitted to Global Vision Press (GV Press) should not be published elsewhere. The originality of the manuscript and the quality of the work should be guaranteed. Manuscripts should be submitted by the first author or corresponding author through the Global Vision Press (GV Press) Submission System, and user registration is required prior to submission. The submitted file format should be doc/docx/pdf file. Materials submitted by someone who is not the author will not be accepted.

1.2. Preparation of Manuscript

The manuscript should be submitted about 8-18 pages by using the online submission system of the journal. The author should prepare the manuscript following the instructions in the paper format: Manuscript Format.

(1) Title and author information
The paper title, the full name of the author, information about the institution and country, and e-mail addresses (at least the corresponding e-mail address of the author) should be included.
(2) Abstract
The paper should have an abstract comprising the subject, method, results and conclusion, and should be between 200 - 300 words.
(3) Introduction
(4) Related works
Research papers should include a section of related works to demonstrate the current status of the research area and the meaning of the proposed research.
(5) Methods
The methods section should provide sufficient detail to enable others to replicate the study.
(6) Results and discussion
This section may be divided into subsections or may be combined.
(7) Conclusion
This should clearly explain the main conclusions of the paper, highlighting its significance and relevance.
(8) Acknowledgments
Authors could state how the research can publication of their paper was funded, by naming financially supporting body(s) followed by associated grant number(s) in brackets (if applicable).
(9) References
References may be submitted according to Global Vision Press (GV Press) format. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the information provided in each reference is complete and accurate. All references should be numbered consecutively in the order of their first citation.
(10) Tables and Figures
Upon submission of a paper, the author(s) should include all figures and tables in the doc/docx file of the manuscript. Figures and tables should not be submitted in separate files. All figures and tables should be cited in the manuscript in a consecutive order. (Figure 1. XXX, Figure 2. XXX and Table 1. XX, Table 2. XX …)

2. Review Process

2.1. Initial Screening

After the successful submission, the editorial board will conduct an initial screening of the submitted papers to ensure that the manuscript could meet the scope of the journal, the basic structure of academic papers, and the minimum editing standards. The editorial board will eliminate manuscripts that do not meet the minimum standards, do not meet the journal scope, or manuscripts with a high repetition rate. For papers that have serious moral problems or may cause serious adverse social impact, the editorial board has the right to reject manuscripts after consulting relevant experts. Manuscripts that pass the preliminary screening will be submitted for peer review.

2. 2. Peer review

If a manuscript goes through the preliminary review and enters the peer review stage. The editorial board sends the manuscript to at least two peer reviewers (their identities remain anonymous to the author) to review the paper.
The reviewer has three days to decide whether to accept the review. If accepted, the review will be completed in four weeks.
When the review comments are returned, if the reviewer gives revision comments, it will be returned to the author for revision and resubmitted. If two reviewers accept this paper, then consider accepting this manuscript. However, even though the manuscript is accepted by the reviewers, the editor may reject it in terms of poor originality, quality, relevance, presentation and recommendation. If, in the end, two reviewers reject the paper, the latter will be rejected. If one reviewer accepts the paper and another denies it, the decision of the editor is final and the author will be notified. After deciding to accept a paper, the editorial board will re-check the paper for plagiarism and format, so that the content of the paper can conform to the publishing format of Global Vision Press (GV Press).

3. Publication Process

3. 1. Final Manuscript Preparation

After the manuscript is accepted for publication, the manuscript should follow the final manuscript format: Manuscript Format.
For each paper, the author must fill in the Global Vision Press (GV Press) Author Agreement ( Copyright Form). If a paper has more than one author, each author should sign the copyright form. It is not acceptable for one author to sign on behalf of all authors. Only after receiving the correct copyright form, the paper can go into the next step of preparation for publication.
If the paper has been accepted and typeset is started, then the content of the paper is not allowed to be changed, except for typesetting changes.
If there is a dispute regarding the authorship or intellectual property rights, the publication of the paper has to be stopped completely.

3. 2. Typesetting

The typesetting and publishing process is handled by the publisher. When a paper is typeset, it will be sent to the author for verification. The author must return the results of the proofreading within 7 days to prevent delaying the publication deadline. The publisher will correct the proofreading results and send it to the author again for verification to ensure that the paper has no problems. No amendments are permitted once the paper is officially published.

4. Publication fee

Papers submitted will not be subject to any publication fees.



  • One issue per year
  • Last day of December