Design and Implementation of a Personal Portfolio Multilateral Authentication System Based on Hyperledger Fabric
Junho Jeong,Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Kongju National University, Cheonan, Korea
Donghyo Kim,Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Dongguk University, Seoul, KOREA
Yangsun Lee,Dept. of Computer Engineering, Seokyeong University, Seoul, Korea
Yunsik Son,
Although the blockchain technology has been developed mainly around bitcoin, it is also being studied for use in various fields. As a result, it is spreading not only to the applications of settlement and transaction utilizing the characteristics of bitcoin (virtual money) but also to the fields not directly related to money. In this paper, we propose a personal portfolio multi-lateral authentication system that guarantees the reliability and integrity of data by using the features of blockchain technology on a distributed network. The proposed system could be submitted learning data to a peer in a distributed network by a learner. Then, it is verified through an agreement between peers and recorded in a chronologically encrypted ledger. It is a system that provides learners’ information in a safe and prompt manner between schools, the school to the certification authority, the school to the company, and the student to the company according to decisions of learners.
Multilateral authentication, Blockchain, Hyperledger fabric, Chaincode, portfolio management, Blockchain performance measurement
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