Research on Distributed Energy Transaction based on Blockchain
Christine Sarson,University of New South Wales, Australia
In recent years, with global warming, environmental pollution, energy resources trend. In the current stage of clean, low-carbon energy development needs, distributed energy, mainly renewable energy such as solar energy, wind energy, and tidal energy, is the main primary energy source for the future energy Internet. Energy blockchain technology is expected to become an important breakthrough to solve the bottleneck of the development of the energy Internet, and its most widely used scenario is distributed energy trading. Distributed energy trading has the characteristics of decentralization, small scale, multiple stakeholders, complex operation status, and diverse control objectives. It coincides with the decentralization, openness, transparency, immutability, and traceability of the blockchain. This article summarizes the application of blockchain technology in distributed energy transactions. First, analyzes the feasibility of the combined application of the two; at the same time, summarizes the application of blockchain technology in distributed energy transactions in different scenarios. And analyze two different blockchain distributed energy transaction modes; secondly, it summarizes the method of increasing the throughput performance of the blockchain network.
Blockchain, Distributed energy transaction, Transaction mode, Application scenarios
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