Jersey Sponsorship: Understanding the Effectiveness through an Experimental Research Design


Sungjai Hong,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, United States
Lucy Jiesun Lee,Bowling Green State University, Ohio, United States


The purpose of this research was: a. to explore whether jersey sponsorship in the National Basketball Association (NBA) was an effective medium for sponsors; and b. to examine further the effectiveness of NBA jersey sponsorship in relation to game quality (i.e., the performance of the game). To understand the effectiveness an experimental design was implemented. Participants were randomly assigned into three groups depending on game quality: the close game group, the blowout game group, and the control group. A survey that included four factors of sponsorship effectiveness – sponsor recognition, sponsor image, attitudes, and purchase intention toward a sponsor brand – was administrated before and after watching the fourth quarter of an NBA game. Results suggested that the interaction between game exposure and game quality existed for jersey sponsor recognition. However, the interactions between game exposure and game quality were not significant for jersey sponsor image change, attitudes, and purchase intention toward the sponsor. The findings have provided information for sports practitioners when can be an ideal situation for applying jersey sponsorship for their brand and has also contributed theoretically on how sport consumers' cognitive and emotional capacities can be affected in certain game situations. Future research is recommended to apply different mediating, moderating, or dependent variables that will enable to understand more diversified results.



Sports sponsorship, Jersey sponsorship, Sponsor effectiveness, Consumer behavior, Game quality


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  • APA:
    Hong,S.& Lee,L.J.(2022). Jersey Sponsorship: Understanding the Effectiveness through an Experimental Research Design. International Journal of Smart Business and Technology, 10(1), 13-30. 10.21742/IJSBT.2022.10.1.02
  • Harvard:
    Hong,S., Lee,L.J.(2022). "Jersey Sponsorship: Understanding the Effectiveness through an Experimental Research Design". International Journal of Smart Business and Technology, 10(1), pp.13-30. doi:10.21742/IJSBT.2022.10.1.02
  • IEEE:
    [1] S.Hong, L.J.Lee, "Jersey Sponsorship: Understanding the Effectiveness through an Experimental Research Design". International Journal of Smart Business and Technology, vol.10, no.1, pp.13-30, Mar. 2022
  • MLA:
    Hong Sungjai and Lee Lucy Jiesun . "Jersey Sponsorship: Understanding the Effectiveness through an Experimental Research Design". International Journal of Smart Business and Technology, vol.10, no.1, Mar. 2022, pp.13-30, doi:10.21742/IJSBT.2022.10.1.02


  • Volume 10, No. 1, 2022
  • ISSN(p):2288-8969
  • ISSN(e):2207-516X
  • Published:Mar. 2022