The Internet-Connected Device Vulnerability Information Management System in IoT Environment
Kim Taeeun,Dept. of Computer Science, Soong-Sil University
Yong Hoon Jung,Dept. of Computer Science, Soong-Sil University1, BaaS LAB
Moon-Seog Jun,Dept. of Computer Science, Soong-Sil University1, BaaS LAB
Recently, the performance of wireless communication and small devices has greatly improved. As these technologies and environments change, there is a growing number of services that utilize various types of IoT devices. Devices such as small sensors and CCTVs that were used offline are being connected to the Internet. However, a large number of IoT devices use an open-source with no security function. In addition, network equipment such as switches and gateways, which have been used for a long time, is also used with many vulnerabilities because users do not have regular updates. Such weak devices are connected to the Internet and operating, making them vulnerable to malicious attackers. In this paper, we propose a system for collecting Internet-connected device information and identifying and managing vulnerability information by utilizing Internet-Wide Scan technology.
Vulnerability Information Management; Security Management; IoT Security
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