An Analysis on the Characteristics of the Items in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Smart Device Based Test (SBT) - Focused on the Optician National Board Examination


Eun Joo Kim,Professor Kim Eun Joo, Faculty of Liberal Arts, South Korea
Jung Un Jang,Professor Jung Un Jang, Department of Optometry, Eulji University, South Korea


This study is aimed to analyze the characteristics of the items in the optician national board examination according to item response theory and to find if the test items are adequate or need to be modified for the evaluation of learners’ ability level. Through the item analysis based on item response theory, it is possible to estimate an error of measurement accurately according to individual learner’s ability level. In a design step, paper-based and smart device-based trial tests for the optician national board examination were planned to show multimedia type, data-suggestion type, and text type items to test takers. As a result, item difficulty and item discrimination were not greatly different between the paper-based and smart device-based trial tests for the optician national board examination. In particular, to collect opinions of the persons concerned for the introduction of smart device-based tests and to stabilize the introduction of the smart device-based national board examination perfectly, it is necessary to conduct various pilot projects to support experiences of the smart device-based test. To develop multimedia items to encourage the problem-solving ability of people with different kinds of occupations, it is necessary to establish information use guidelines that help to access the object and standardized data which do not infringe an information use policy, among internet-sharable video needed to develop items.



Paper-Based Test (PBT), Smart device-based test (SBT), National board examination, Item response theory


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  • APA:
    Kim,E.J.& Jang,J.U.(2021). An Analysis on the Characteristics of the Items in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Smart Device Based Test (SBT) - Focused on the Optician National Board Examination. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology for Education, 6(1), 29-38. 10.21742/IJCSITE.2021.6.1.03
  • Harvard:
    Kim,E.J., Jang,J.U.(2021). "An Analysis on the Characteristics of the Items in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Smart Device Based Test (SBT) - Focused on the Optician National Board Examination". International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology for Education, 6(1), pp.29-38. doi:10.21742/IJCSITE.2021.6.1.03
  • IEEE:
    [1] E.J.Kim, J.U.Jang, "An Analysis on the Characteristics of the Items in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Smart Device Based Test (SBT) - Focused on the Optician National Board Examination". International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology for Education, vol.6, no.1, pp.29-38, Apr. 2021
  • MLA:
    Kim Eun Joo and Jang Jung Un. "An Analysis on the Characteristics of the Items in Paper Based Test (PBT) and Smart Device Based Test (SBT) - Focused on the Optician National Board Examination". International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology for Education, vol.6, no.1, Apr. 2021, pp.29-38, doi:10.21742/IJCSITE.2021.6.1.03


  • Volume 6, No. 1, 2021
  • ISSN(p):2205-8370
  • ISSN(e):2207-5372
  • Published:Apr. 2021