The Effects of Academic Achievement, College Satisfaction, and Self-Efficacy on Career Development Level


In-Seo Lee,Yonsei University
Suk-Yeol Lee,Namseoul University


Academic achievement and college satisfaction have been emphasized as important educational outcomes by many colleges and government. However, for most students, career development is one of the ultimate purposes of going college. In this situation, this study investigated whether the academic achievement and college satisfaction positively influence career development through self-efficacy. The data of this study was from Youth Panel, conducted by Korea Employment Information Service (KEIS). The sample was 973 college students who enrolled in four-year universities in Korea. First, this study compared the level of career development, depending on individual characteristics such as gender, major and family income, and there was no difference in the level of career development. Next, in the analysis of correlations between academic achievement, college satisfaction, self-efficacy and career development, the result showed that the correlation between self-efficacy and career development was highest, but there were relatively low correlations between career development and academic achievement, and career development and college satisfaction. Last, in the analysis of the influence of academic achievement, college satisfaction and self-efficacy on career development, the result showed that academic achievement and self-efficacy had a positive and significant impact on the level of college students’ career development (R2=.35).



college students, academic achievement, college life satisfaction, self-efficacy, career development level


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  • APA:
    Lee,I.S.& Lee,S.Y.(2017). The Effects of Academic Achievement, College Satisfaction, and Self-Efficacy on Career Development Level. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology for Education, 2(2), 19-26. 10.21742/IJCSITE.2017.2.2.04
  • Harvard:
    Lee,I.S., Lee,S.Y.(2017). "The Effects of Academic Achievement, College Satisfaction, and Self-Efficacy on Career Development Level". International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology for Education, 2(2), pp.19-26. doi:10.21742/IJCSITE.2017.2.2.04
  • IEEE:
    [1] I.S.Lee, S.Y.Lee, "The Effects of Academic Achievement, College Satisfaction, and Self-Efficacy on Career Development Level". International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology for Education, vol.2, no.2, pp.19-26, Dec. 2017
  • MLA:
    Lee In-Seo and Lee Suk-Yeol. "The Effects of Academic Achievement, College Satisfaction, and Self-Efficacy on Career Development Level". International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology for Education, vol.2, no.2, Dec. 2017, pp.19-26, doi:10.21742/IJCSITE.2017.2.2.04


  • Volume 2, No. 2, 2017
  • ISSN(p):2205-8370
  • ISSN(e):2207-5372
  • Published:Dec. 2017