Learning Motivation in University TOEIC Lessons
Soo-Dong Kim,Dongguk University-Gyeongju
Kum-Taek Seo,CQI Consulting
Jong-Duck Park,Dongguk University-Gyeongju
This paper analyzes the case of TOEIC lessons which received excellent student evaluations of teaching in D university in Gyeongsangbuk-do to examine effective teaching methods for TOEIC lessons. The fundamental concepts for lessons analysis are cultivating critical thought ability and the teaching methods of motivated strategies in preceding research. Research results are as in the followings. First, the teaching methods for cultivating critical thought ability contain 4 domains consisting of conception/proposition comprehension, text analysis, inductive argument, and situation inference. The lesson plan for TOEIC lesson contains 4 domains in introduction, development, and closing stage of the lesson. Second, teaching methods of motivated strategies contain 3 domains consisting of building up the lesson learning community, adjusting study plans and skills, and ensuring learning. The 3 domains contain 7 specific items consisting of the interest of students, understanding of personality and conviction, finding out the proper learning methods, building relationships between teacher and students and among students, clarifying learning strategy, learning including tests, and regular evaluation system.
University, TOEIC, critical thinking, learning motive, teaching strategy
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