Creativity & Personality Curation CREPE Model Development based on K-MOOC
Mi-seung Yun,Dept. of Early Childhood Education, Tongmyong University 428 Sinseon-ro, Nam-gu, Busan 48520, KOREA
Jeong-jin Youn,Dept. of Early Childhood Education, Tongmyong University 428 Sinseon-ro, Nam-gu, Busan 48520, KOREA
Based on the K-MOOC currently being implemented in Korea, this study modifies the curation model of the creative convergence lecture, which was developed by the Institute of Creativity and Innovation of Tongmyong University, -MOOC This is a model development study to develop the learning environment. To do this, we try to analyze interaction between learner - contents, learner - learner, learner - learner. Creativity and Humanity Curation In order to explore the interaction between CREEP and K-MOOC based on Moore's online interaction, the interaction between the lecturer and the content, the interaction between the lecturer and the instructor, and the interaction between the lecturer and the lecturer. Element was applied to K-MOOC to develop CREPE model of creativity and humanity curation based on K-MOOC. It is expected that the expected effect will complement the K-MOOC environment and lead to the completion of course attendance, the learning effect, and the transfer of practical learning
K-MOOC, Creativity & Personality Curation CREPE, Interaction 3 elements
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