Study on the Language Learning Device AR Puzzle and a Language Method Using Augmented Reality


Ho Kwon Kim,Dept. of Photography & Motion Picture, Kyungil University


This paper is about a language learning device using augmented reality and a language learning method that uses the device. When a user generates words by combining the letter blocks of the language learning device, combinations of actual images and virtual objects corresponding to the words are displayed to the user. In other words, a language learning device that allows users to learn a language by themselves using augmented reality and a language learning method using this device are proposed.



AR Puzzle, Letter Block, Recognition Sensor, Maker, Augmented Reality


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  • APA:
    Kim,H.K.(2016). Study on the Language Learning Device AR Puzzle and a Language Method Using Augmented Reality . International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology for Education, 1(1), 79-84. 10.21742/IJCSITE.2016.1.1.13
  • Harvard:
    Kim,H.K.(2016). "Study on the Language Learning Device AR Puzzle and a Language Method Using Augmented Reality ". International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology for Education, 1(1), pp.79-84. doi:10.21742/IJCSITE.2016.1.1.13
  • IEEE:
    [1] H.K.Kim, "Study on the Language Learning Device AR Puzzle and a Language Method Using Augmented Reality ". International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology for Education, vol.1, no.1, pp.79-84, Dec. 2016
  • MLA:
    Kim Ho Kwon. "Study on the Language Learning Device AR Puzzle and a Language Method Using Augmented Reality ". International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology for Education, vol.1, no.1, Dec. 2016, pp.79-84, doi:10.21742/IJCSITE.2016.1.1.13


  • Volume 1, No. 1, 2016
  • ISSN(p):2205-8370
  • ISSN(e):2207-5372
  • Published:Dec. 2016