A Study on the effect of User Education and the Awareness on the Use of Smart Devices
WookJoon Sung,Graduate School of Public Policy and Information Tech. Assistant Professor/Ph.D.in P.A. Seoul National University of Science and Technology 232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu Seoul01811, Korea
This is an empirical study on the effect of user training and awareness of the need for smart devices on the use of smart devices. The dependent variable is degree of use of various services of smart devices. The independent variables used for this study were gender, age, income, education, and employment status, user training and awareness about the need of smart devices and smart device use training. Results indicate that recognition of the need for smart devices has a positive effect on the use of smart devise, but user training does not affect the use of services of smart devices.
smart phone, smart devices, awareness of the need for smart devices, digital divide, digital literacy
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