Impact of Metacognition on Simulation Effectiveness in Problem-based Learning using Simulation
Hye-kyung Oh,Dept. of Nursing, Daegu University 33, Seongdang-ro 50-gil, Nam-gu, Daegu, Korea 42400, KOREA
This study measures improvements in metacognition following problem-based simulation learning, and attempts to understand how metacognition affects simulation effectiveness. Participants in this study comprise 564th year nursing students who participated in a problem-based learning task using simulation.After the problem-based learning task, the results showed that there is a statistically significant difference in simulation effectiveness depending on metacognition level (F=4.30, p=0.01). Following post-test analysis, it was found that simulation was more effective in the participant group with higher metacognitive abilities.
Metacognition, Simulation, Effectiveness, Problem-based Learning
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