A Meta Analysis on Robot Learning in early childhood Education in Korea


Sung-deok Park,Korea National University Of Education
Eun-Jung Kim,Ho-won University
Kyung-Chul Kim,Korea National University Of Education


This study is intended to analyze Robot-Learning effects on a young child by way of meta analysis and, by extension, to give sophisticated educative suggestions for Robot-learning. First, we performed Test of Homogeneity for 27 Korean researches done between 2008 and 2016, then introduced Random Effect Model, to reveal the result of each of the effect sizes. Overall effect size of r-learning on a young child is 0.72, proven to be at the medium-to-large level in light of Cohen's Interpretation Standard for effect size. After analyzing gaps of effect sizes with different categorical moderator variables, the study also showed that a significant difference appears depending on platform types, activity types, dependent variables for estimation of Robot learning effect, and age. Lastly, we tried to find out which kind of relationships are formed between effect size and continuous moderator variables such as treatment period and year of publication. After introduction of meta-regression model, a significantly negative relationship between effect size and year of publication is certified. Consequently, the effects of Robot-learning on young children are reported to be generally beneficial above the average level.



Robot Learning, Meta-analysis


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  • APA:
    Park,S.& Kim,E.J.& Kim,K.C.(2016). A Meta Analysis on Robot Learning in early childhood Education in Korea. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology for Education, 1(1), 43-48. 10.21742/IJCSITE.2016.1.1.07
  • Harvard:
    Park,S., Kim,E.J., Kim,K.C.(2016). "A Meta Analysis on Robot Learning in early childhood Education in Korea". International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology for Education, 1(1), pp.43-48. doi:10.21742/IJCSITE.2016.1.1.07
  • IEEE:
    [1] S.Park, E.J.Kim, K.C.Kim, "A Meta Analysis on Robot Learning in early childhood Education in Korea". International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology for Education, vol.1, no.1, pp.43-48, Dec. 2016
  • MLA:
    Park Sung-deok, Kim Eun-Jung and Kim Kyung-Chul. "A Meta Analysis on Robot Learning in early childhood Education in Korea". International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology for Education, vol.1, no.1, Dec. 2016, pp.43-48, doi:10.21742/IJCSITE.2016.1.1.07


  • Volume 1, No. 1, 2016
  • ISSN(p):2205-8370
  • ISSN(e):2207-5372
  • Published:Dec. 2016