The Relationship between Hwabyung Symptoms and Quality of Life among Middle-Aged Women
Kyoung-Mi Yang,Dept. of Nursing, Joongbu University, Korea
The aim of this research is to examine the relationship between Hwabyung symptoms and life quality, and prepare basic data to improve life quality of middle-aged women. Research method: this research conducted a survey, and respondents of the survey were 230 middle-aged women conveniently sampled from two cities from March 10, to May 4, 2017. The survey data were analyzed using the SPSS 21.0 program. The average point of Hwabyung symptoms of respondents was 1.12±.61 (0-4), and that of quality of life was 3.16±.42 (1-5). The variables significantly affecting Hwabyung symptoms were educational level (F=7.14, p=.001), monthly income (F=6.63, p<.001), and health condition (F=12.10, p<.001). Quality of life was significantly and negatively correlated with Hwabyung symptoms (r=-.204, p=.002). Data analysis showed that the lower education level is, the lower monthly income is, and the worse health condition is, the higher the symptom is, and that the higher educational level is, and the higher monthly income is, the higher life quality is. Therefore, to reduce Hwabyung symptoms, and improve life quality among middle-aged women, various educational means should be suggested and applied.
Middle-aged woman, Hwabyung, Physical symptoms, Psychological symptoms, Quality of life
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