A Study on Relationships among Self-esteem, Major Satisfaction, Social Support and College Life Adjustment of Nursing Students
Young-Ju Jee ,College of Nursing, Kyungnam university, Korea
Seung-Kyoung Yang, College of Nursing, Kyungnam university, Korea
This study was descriptive survey research to examine the relationships self-esteem, major satisfaction, social support and college life adjustment of nursing students. The subjects were 95 first grade nursing students at a college located in G city. The data were collected by self-reported questionnaires were used to identify general characteristics, self-esteem, major satisfaction, social support, college life adjustment. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients in SPSS statistics 20.0 program. The mean score of college life adjustment was 3.45±0.45. College life adjustment was significantly positive correlation of self-esteem (r=.661, p<.001), major satisfaction (r=.619, p<.001), social support (r=.513, p<.001). Based on the results of this study, it is necessary to be considered self-esteem, major satisfaction, social supports during development convergence intervention program in order to improve the college life adjustment of nursing students.
Nursing students, College life adjustment, Self-esteem, Major satisfaction, Social support
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