Implementing a Spiritual Leadership Program to Enhance Employee Performance in the Cirebon Regency Education Office
Fiana Lisra,Master Programme in Islamic Education Management Bunga Bangsa Islamic University Cirebon, Indonesia
Cecep Sumarna,Master Programme in Islamic Education Management Bunga Bangsa Islamic University Cirebon, Indonesia
Eman Sulaeman,Master Programme in Islamic Education Management Bunga Bangsa Islamic University Cirebon, Indonesia
Abdul Karim,Islamic Educational Management & Leadership, Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon, Indonesia
The Cirebon District Education Office has launched a spiritual leadership strengthening program to achieve excellent service. This spiritual leadership program is one of the breakthroughs for the education service to improve employee performance amidst concerns that the quality of work of employees in the education service environment is low (not optimal), such as not being on time, not being able to complete tasks correctly and not having the quality of the work produced done. The purpose of this research is to analyze the characteristics of the Spiritual Leadership program in developing employee performance, the application of the Spiritual Leadership program to develop employee performance, and the impact of implementing the Spiritual Leadership program in developing the performance of employees of the Cirebon Regency Education Office. The research method used is a case study with data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out through collecting, condensing, presenting, and drawing conclusions. Data validation uses credibility and conformability criteria. The results showed that: 1) Characteristics of spiritual leadership programs in developing employee performance of the Cirebon Regency Education Office include the vision and mission of the institution, working well and sincerely, mutual trust, honesty, responsibility, and maintaining harmonious relationships. In addition, there are efforts to reward employee performance, provide motivation, and clear direction; 2) The implementation of the spiritual leadership program successfully improved employee performance, as demonstrated by the application of honesty, firm action against dishonesty, and wise decisions in work situations. The study also found that 85% of employees felt motivated to improve performance after the program was implemented; 3) The impact of implementing the spiritual leadership program is evident in the 30% increase in timely completion of tasks, improved clear communication, and employee independence in completing work without assistance. 90% of employees reported that they did not mind being given work targets by their superiors and showed a willingness to learn new things in carrying out their tasks. The impact of implementing the Spiritual Leadership program in developing the performance of Cirebon District Education Office employees, namely: completing work on time, obstacles in completing work on time, precise information, paying attention to resources, completing work independently without help from others, not objecting if the leader gives work targets, taking action when employee performance targets are not achieved, and a sense of desire to learn new things while doing work.
Leadership, Spiritual, Performance, Employees
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