Exploring the Relationship between Critical Thinking Perceptions and Academic Success in 4th Grade Primary School Students
İsa Aydoğdu,Erzincan Provincial Directorate of National Education, Erzincan, Turkey
This study examines the relationship between critical thinking perceptions and academic achievement of primary school students in fourth grade. The study utilized a relational screening model, one of the screening models. The research sample consisted of fourth-grade students (n=500) studying in 14 schools in the central district of Erzincan province. The research data were collected through the "Critical Thinking Perception Scale." The data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and regression analysis tests. As a result of the research, it was found that there was a moderately significant relationship between students' critical thinking perceptions and academic achievement. It was concluded that the sub-dimensions of reasoning, thinking in detail, and interpretation predicted academic success, but the sub-dimension of flexibility did not.
Critical thinking perceptions, Elementary education, Student success, Cognitive skills
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