Character Building Management in Improving Personality Competence Teacher


Tety Herawati,Islamic Educational Management, Bunga Bangsa Islamic University, Cirebon, Indonesia, Jl. Widarasari III Tuparev Cirebon, Indonesia
Dian Widiantari,Department of Islamic Educational Management, Universitas Islam Bunga Bangsa Cirebon, Indonesia
Abdul Karim,Department of Islamic Educational Management, Unviersitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon, Indonesia, Jl. Tuparev no. 70 Cirebon, Indonesia


Teacher personality competence is a personal ability that reflects a solid, stable, mature, wise, and authoritative personality, sets a role model for students, and has a noble character with indicators of personal achievement by legal and social norms, openness to think and act, be honest and be exemplary and beneficial for students, schools, and society. In this case, the researcher used a descriptive qualitative case study method with triangulation and member check: The results of the study were that the school had carried out character development management in increasing teacher personality competencies at the Sabilul Huda Integrated Islamic Elementary School, Cirebon City which included planning, namely having a teacher development program consisting of areas religious studies, national studies, social studies, human resource development in schools, leadership and entrepreneurship. Organizing, namely the selection of coaching implementing teams, determining standards in coaching, determining coaching materials, and determining supervisors. Implementation, namely for seven months there were twenty-four coaching meetings with details of eighteen meetings filled with curriculum discussions in the weekly coaching agenda, the other six meetings were adjusted to coaching needs and there were five training activities organized by the foundation. The training activities consist of PPS (Spiritual Improvement Training), PPW (Insight Improvement Training), and PKK (Entrepreneurship Leadership Training). PPS every three months, PPW every three months, and PKK every six months. Supervision is carried out by determining the time of supervision, the person carrying out the supervision, the instruments prepared to carry out the supervision, the monitoring system, and the evaluation of the results of the supervision.



Management, Coaching, Character, Competence, Personality


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  • APA:
    Herawati,T.& Widiantari,D.& Karim,A.(2023). Character Building Management in Improving Personality Competence Teacher. Asia-Pacific Journal of Educational Management Research, 8(2), 49-64. 10.21742/AJEMR.2023.8.2.04
  • Harvard:
    Herawati,T., Widiantari,D., Karim,A.(2023). "Character Building Management in Improving Personality Competence Teacher". Asia-Pacific Journal of Educational Management Research, 8(2), pp.49-64. doi:10.21742/AJEMR.2023.8.2.04
  • IEEE:
    [1] T.Herawati, D.Widiantari, A.Karim, "Character Building Management in Improving Personality Competence Teacher". Asia-Pacific Journal of Educational Management Research, vol.8, no.2, pp.49-64, Dec. 2023
  • MLA:
    Herawati Tety, Jalaludin , Widiantari Dian and Karim Abdul. "Character Building Management in Improving Personality Competence Teacher". Asia-Pacific Journal of Educational Management Research, vol.8, no.2, Dec. 2023, pp.49-64, doi:10.21742/AJEMR.2023.8.2.04


  • Volume 8, No. 2, 2023
  • ISSN(p):2207-5380
  • ISSN(e):2207-290X
  • Published:Dec. 2023