Unveiling the Link between Metacognitive Skills and Mathematics Performance: A Correlational Study in Grade X


Nima Dorji,Ministry of Education, Sarpang, Bhutan
Purna Bdr. Subba,Samtse College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan


Although it has always been a required core subject in Bhutanese schools, underachievement in mathematics regularly shows that the requirement has very little impact on students. This study's major goal was to look at the connection between mathematics performance and the metacognitive skills of grade X students. This study used 347 grade X students (M = 162, F = 185) from one of the schools in Sarpang Dzongkhag and a quantitative correlational survey design. The level of students' metacognitive skills was evaluated through a modified Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI, whilst their mathematics achievement was evaluated through the Mathematics Performance Test (MPT). Students in grade X were found to have a high degree of metacognitive skills (M= 3.54, SD=.42). While the correlational analysis showed a weak but significant positive correlation between students' metacognitive skills and mathematics performance. The outcome also showed that students' metacognitive skills are a statistically significant predictor of their mathematics performance. The findings suggest that metacognition be taken into account to aid students' learning of mathematics. Additionally, a similar study with a different research methodology and approach is advised.



Mathematics Performance Test (MPT), Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI), Metacognitive knowledge, Metacognitive regulation, Metacognitive skills


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  • APA:
    Dorji,N.& Bdr. Subba,P.(2023). Unveiling the Link between Metacognitive Skills and Mathematics Performance: A Correlational Study in Grade X. Asia-Pacific Journal of Educational Management Research, 8(1), 43-52. 10.21742/AJEMR.2023.8.1.04
  • Harvard:
    Dorji,N., Bdr. Subba,P.(2023). "Unveiling the Link between Metacognitive Skills and Mathematics Performance: A Correlational Study in Grade X". Asia-Pacific Journal of Educational Management Research, 8(1), pp.43-52. doi:10.21742/AJEMR.2023.8.1.04
  • IEEE:
    [1] N.Dorji, P.Bdr. Subba, "Unveiling the Link between Metacognitive Skills and Mathematics Performance: A Correlational Study in Grade X". Asia-Pacific Journal of Educational Management Research, vol.8, no.1, pp.43-52, Jun. 2023
  • MLA:
    Dorji Nima and Bdr. Subba Purna. "Unveiling the Link between Metacognitive Skills and Mathematics Performance: A Correlational Study in Grade X". Asia-Pacific Journal of Educational Management Research, vol.8, no.1, Jun. 2023, pp.43-52, doi:10.21742/AJEMR.2023.8.1.04


  • Volume 8, No. 1, 2023
  • ISSN(p):2207-5380
  • ISSN(e):2207-290X
  • Published:Jun. 2023