The Global Problems of Sustainable Development of Society in the context of Management of Higher Education and Science


Viktor Zinchenko,Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Senior Researcher, Principal Researcher in Department of University Research Activities, Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
Mykhailo Boichenko,Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Practical Philosophy, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Iryna Drach,Doctor Habilitated of Education Sciences, Director of Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Alla Guzhva,PhD in Philosophical Sciences, Vice-director, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Tasks of the sustainable development of society make demand the reforming of national systems of education, because of the need to promote the best values of globalization and internationalization to the next generations. The key role in such promotion plays the effective implementation of higher education development strategy according to sustainable development goals. Management of the integration of higher education in Ukraine into the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area should be conceptually proved by the study of the compliance of strategic guidelines of higher education and its specific educational models with the needs of civilizational progress toward a sustainable future, peace, mutual understanding, mutual respect and care for the environment. The purpose of this study is to reveal the relationship between the solving of the global social problem of ethical motivation to work and the management of higher education and science according to the goals of sustainable development of society. The neo-institutional analysis clarifies the ways of implementing research results in management practice, which will improve the level and quality of internationalization of higher education in Ukraine, shaping a worldview background to stimulate and ensure sustainable development of society, increasing social responsibility of higher education and strengthening its function of serving society.



Globalization, Sustainable development, Management, Internationalization, Higher education, Social activism


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  • APA:
    Zinchenko,V.& Boichenko,M.& Drach,I.& Guzhva,A.(2022). The Global Problems of Sustainable Development of Society in the context of Management of Higher Education and Science . Asia-Pacific Journal of Educational Management Research, 7(2), 33-40. 10.21742/AJEMR.2022.7.2.03
  • Harvard:
    Zinchenko,V., Boichenko,M., Drach,I., Guzhva,A.(2022). "The Global Problems of Sustainable Development of Society in the context of Management of Higher Education and Science ". Asia-Pacific Journal of Educational Management Research, 7(2), pp.33-40. doi:10.21742/AJEMR.2022.7.2.03
  • IEEE:
    [1] V.Zinchenko, M.Boichenko, I.Drach, A.Guzhva, "The Global Problems of Sustainable Development of Society in the context of Management of Higher Education and Science ". Asia-Pacific Journal of Educational Management Research, vol.7, no.2, pp.33-40, Dec. 2022
  • MLA:
    Zinchenko Viktor, Boichenko Mykhailo, Drach Iryna and Guzhva Alla. "The Global Problems of Sustainable Development of Society in the context of Management of Higher Education and Science ". Asia-Pacific Journal of Educational Management Research, vol.7, no.2, Dec. 2022, pp.33-40, doi:10.21742/AJEMR.2022.7.2.03


  • Volume 7, No. 2, 2022
  • ISSN(p):2207-5380
  • ISSN(e):2207-290X
  • Published:Dec. 2022