Aim and Scope
Our Journal provides a chance for academic and industry professionals to discuss recent progress in the area of communication technology for social networking services.
To bridge the gap of users who do not have access to major databases where one should pay for every downloaded article; this online publication platform is open to all readers as part of our commitment to global scientific society.
Topics Covered
The main topics include but will not be limited to: (Excellent surveying works, summary or introduction of new or fresh idea in these areas are welcome, too).
- Adaptive ad Supervisory Control
- Collective intelligence
- Community models, multi-channel communities
- Community-related business models
- Compressing large networks for analysis
- Computational and Artificial Intelligence
- Computational Biology and Bio-informatics
- Computer Games
- Computer Vision, Graphics and Intelligence
- Computing Ethics
- Content and customer in social networks
- Cross-cultural: Political and social networking
- Data Management
- Digital Library
- Distributed and Parallel Processing
- Editorial Board/Reviewers
- Evolution of and innovation in social networks
- Finance and Economics Modeling and Optimization
- Graph search algorithms
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Influential members detection
- Information dispersion in social networks
- Information Retrieval
- Internet and Web Applications
- Language and Search Engine Design
- Mining Data, Text, and the Web
- Information Retrieval
- Mobile services for social networks
- Mobile social networks and semantic web platforms
- Multimedia Applications
- Pattern Analysis and Recognition
- Peer-to-peer networks in social network
- Popular events in social communities
- Psychological impact of social networking
- Security and Cryptography
- Simulation and Modeling
- Social networks in investigations
- Social networks in the education
- Social networks in the science communities
- Use of Graph theory in Social network
- User Interfaces
- Virtual communities