A Study on the Methodological application of Feasibility evaluation of Mixed-use development project to the Fourth Industrial revolution
Jaehwan Kim,Corresponding author, Associate Professor, Major in Real Estate Studies, Faculty of Regional Development, Kongju Nat’l University. Yesan, Chungnam, South Korea, Telephone: 82-41-330-1402
Heecheol Shim,Analyst, Local Investment Management Center, Korea Research Institute for Local Administration, Nambusunhwanro, Seochogu, Seoul, South Korea, Telephone: +82-10-2312-4179
This study systemized various influence factors to be expected in tall building development projects into four upper categories, 12 evaluation areas, and 36 evaluation items by putting together previous studies and major cases. Based on the evaluation areas of influence factors in tall building development projects, the study focused on a measuring technique for more objective and clearer evaluations, applied an analysis methodology to the evaluation areas, and proposed its application plans to the fieldThe study also provided implications for the operation of the evaluation system by reflecting the variability of a certain place, time and project rather than the overall mean accuracy obtained by the subject of such systematic evaluation.
Mixed-use Development, Real Estate Development, Fuzzy Theory, Impact Value, Feasibility. Methodology
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