Exploration of Practical Information Entry Technique of One-Shot Drum Audio Samples


Chul-Hee Lee,Kyunghee University, South Korea
Sean Han,Valor International Scholars, South Korea


This research gives a compelling strategy on data section of one-shot drum audio samples with a high recurrence of utilization in music creation. One-shot drum audio samples have huge preferences of being utilized quickly in music creation. Be that as it may, users must bear the burden of listening to each and every sample sound source in light of the fact that the data entry method for them has not been created. Accordingly, this study centers around the five most significant sorts of data in the one-shot drum audio sample: length, peak energy frequency, overtones, tapping sounds and transient shapes. This paper uncovered the impacts of these components on sound source and tone. Also, by introducing objective estimation criteria and techniques for evaluating the samples, it was conceivable to make systematic data entry. This provided a more open approach to users to productively oversee and use the samples by entering the figures for each identified component in the media data of the sample music file properties. We hope this study will reduce the working hours of music production drastically, and we hope that the producers who produce audio samples will also use it actively.



Drum sample, Audio sample, One-shot sample, Music production, Beat making


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  • APA:
    Lee,C.H.& Han,S.(2020). Exploration of Practical Information Entry Technique of One-Shot Drum Audio Samples. Journal of Smart Technology Applications, 1(1), 21-28. 10.21742/JSTA.2020.1.1.04
  • Harvard:
    Lee,C.H., Han,S.(2020). "Exploration of Practical Information Entry Technique of One-Shot Drum Audio Samples". Journal of Smart Technology Applications, 1(1), pp.21-28. doi:10.21742/JSTA.2020.1.1.04
  • IEEE:
    [1] C.H.Lee, S.Han, "Exploration of Practical Information Entry Technique of One-Shot Drum Audio Samples". Journal of Smart Technology Applications, vol.1, no.1, pp.21-28, Sep. 2020
  • MLA:
    Lee Chul-Hee and Han Sean. "Exploration of Practical Information Entry Technique of One-Shot Drum Audio Samples". Journal of Smart Technology Applications, vol.1, no.1, Sep. 2020, pp.21-28, doi:10.21742/JSTA.2020.1.1.04


  • Volume 1, No. 1, 2020
  • ISSN(p):0
  • ISSN(e):0
  • Published:Sep. 2020