A Study on the Direction of Spatial Design Based on the Sustainability Checklist


Sooknyung Ha,College of Design, Sangmyung University, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea


With the advancement of science and technology that has continued since the Industrial Revolution, human beings have accelerated the destruction of the natural environment as a consequence of consumption life amid material abundance brought about by mass production. Although resultant environmental changes had some positive aspects for human beings, there have been also negative consequences of environmental changes which in turn have increased social awareness toward the environment. The environmental contamination in contemporary society, which has aggravated to such an extent that it threatens the survival of humanity, has been raised as a global social problem. Sustainable design today represents a systematic concept with well-balanced consideration of environmental, economic, and social aspects of human society, and means the skills, techniques, technologies, and plans involved in the preservation of ecological algorithms and constant maintenance of the ideologies that uphold the dignity of life. Sustainable design is the type of design that respects human beings and nature and fulfills responsibility for society and considers the creation of social, environmental, and economic values, the three major axes underpinning sustainable development. The David Report presented the ‘Time to Rethink Design’, and the ‘Checklist of Sustainable Design’. The Report states that design should be able to contribute, truly improve the quality of everyday life, and at the same time, add to the human experience. That represents a matter of reexamining our values and identities and a matter of negating our blind consumption of brands, new products, and cheap goods. In that way, sustainable design is broadening the scope of responsibilities and obligations related to efficient use of design amid the vigorous formation of networks among corporations, designers, architects, consumers, and institutions that have realized their responsibility in respect of environmental problems and energy depletion. Thus, new design strategies need to be sought by expanding the concept of sustainable design.



Sustainability, Checklist, Spacial design, Direction


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  • APA:
    Ha,S.(2021). A Study on the Direction of Spatial Design Based on the Sustainability Checklist. Journal of Human-centric Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(1), 35-42. 10.21742/JHRHSS.2021.2.1.03
  • Harvard:
    Ha,S.(2021). "A Study on the Direction of Spatial Design Based on the Sustainability Checklist". Journal of Human-centric Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(1), pp.35-42. doi:10.21742/JHRHSS.2021.2.1.03
  • IEEE:
    [1] S.Ha, "A Study on the Direction of Spatial Design Based on the Sustainability Checklist". Journal of Human-centric Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, vol.2, no.1, pp.35-42, Apr. 2021
  • MLA:
    Ha Sooknyung. "A Study on the Direction of Spatial Design Based on the Sustainability Checklist". Journal of Human-centric Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, vol.2, no.1, Apr. 2021, pp.35-42, doi:10.21742/JHRHSS.2021.2.1.03


  • Volume 2, No. 1, 2021
  • ISSN(p):0
  • ISSN(e):2652-9793
  • Published:Apr. 2021