The Impact of Children’s Experiences of Abuse on Educational Adjustment: Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Community Support Systems
Yebin Jeon,Jeonbuk National University, Jeon-Ju, South Korea
Nan Zhang,Jeonbuk National University, Jeon-Ju, South Korea
Soongyu Kim*,Jeonbuk National University, Jeon-Ju, South Korea
While children who have been abused often experience difficulties in adjusting to not only family but also school life, they sometimes overcome these difficulties by utilizing social support systems. Community children’s centers have been highlighted as one of the representative community support systems related to children; however, the issue of declining service quality has been raised recently following the quantitative expansion of such centers. Therefore, the aim of this research was to examine whether community children’s centers act as a buffer in the relationship between experiences of childhood abuse and difficulties in educational adjustment. The results of the analysis showed that, as in the preceding research, experiences of childhood abuse had a negative impact on the educational adjustment of a child and that satisfaction with the services provided by community children’s centers had a positive impact on it. In addition, satisfaction with the services provided by community children’s centers had a moderating effect, reducing the negative impact of childhood experiences of abuse on educational adjustment. The protective role of community children’s centers must be strengthened based on these research results, and family-centered interventions to prevent abuse have been proposed as a fundamental solution.
Care institution, Child welfare, Community, School environment
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