A Study on the Subjectivity of University Adaptation Program of Nursing Students
MeeSuk Wang,Dept. of Nursing, Hanseo University, 46 Hanseo1 Ro, Haemi-myun, Seosan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, 369-709, Korea
The abstract is to be the subjectivity of nursing students’ adaptation to college life, describe characteristics of each type, and to grasp the typology of college life adaptation program experiences, and apply the Q methodology. Use the 45 sentences extracted from the literature and the sentence collected through interviews of college students. The collected data were analyzed for Q factors using the PQ method. As a result of this study, the analysis of college life adaptation programs experienced by nursing students was divided into three types. The three types of nursing college students’ experience of adapting to college life are “exploring career paths” and acquiring information necessary to adapt to college life. It is a feeling of belonging and a sense of achievement. As a result of this study, the analysis of college life adaptation programs experienced by nursing students was divided into three types. Help nursing students explore their experiences in college life adaptation programs, and various college life adaptation programs are continuously needed for college students to adapt to college life.
Nursing student, University adaptation programs, Subjectivity
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