Nursing Students’ Self-Directed Learning Ability and Class Participation on Flipped Class


Hee-jin Kim,Dept. Nursing, Dong-won Institute of Science and Technology, 321, Myeonggok-ro, Yangsan-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea
Hyo-Jeong Kang*,Dept. Nursing, Dong-Eui Institude of Sience and Technology of nursing, Busan, 47230, Korea
Youngju Jee,Dept. of Nursing, Kyungnam University Woryeongbuk 16-gil Masanhappo-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do 631-701, Korea


This study investigates the effect of the flipped learning on the self-directed learning ability and class participation in nursing students taking psychiatric nursing class. The subjects were 69 nursing students taking psychiatric health nursing class at D university. The flipped learning method designed based on the PARTNER model was applied to three sessions from 15 sessions and self-reported pre- and post-questionnaire surveys were performed. The class consisted of watching video in advance before student activities on the contents of the video. The collected data was analyzed using frequency analysis, paired t-test, and Cronbach’s α with SPSS WIN 18.0 program. In this study, the flipped learning in the psychiatric nursing class was effective in improving the self-directed learning ability and their class participation of nursing students. In conclusion, it was suggested that the development of advance learning materials, improvement of classroom environment and the diversification of flipped learning teaching and learning models are expected to help learners excel in their Self-directed learning ability and class participation.



Nursing students, Flipped learning, Self-directed learning ability, Class participation, Psychiatric nursing education


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  • APA:
    Kim,H.& Kang*,H.J.& Jee,Y.(2020). Nursing Students’ Self-Directed Learning Ability and Class Participation on Flipped Class. Journal of Applied Healthcare Management, 1(1), 1-8. 10.21742/JAHM.2020.1.1.01
  • Harvard:
    Kim,H., Kang*,H.J., Jee,Y.(2020). "Nursing Students’ Self-Directed Learning Ability and Class Participation on Flipped Class". Journal of Applied Healthcare Management, 1(1), pp.1-8. doi:10.21742/JAHM.2020.1.1.01
  • IEEE:
    [1] H.Kim, H.J.Kang*, Y.Jee, "Nursing Students’ Self-Directed Learning Ability and Class Participation on Flipped Class". Journal of Applied Healthcare Management, vol.1, no.1, pp.1-8, Oct. 2020
  • MLA:
    Kim Hee-jin, Kang* Hyo-Jeong and Jee Youngju. "Nursing Students’ Self-Directed Learning Ability and Class Participation on Flipped Class". Journal of Applied Healthcare Management, vol.1, no.1, Oct. 2020, pp.1-8, doi:10.21742/JAHM.2020.1.1.01


  • Volume 1, No. 1, 2020
  • ISSN(p):0
  • ISSN(e):0
  • Published:Oct. 2020