Self-Exploration on Anxiety in Chakra Meditation Experienced People - The Mediation Effect of Emotional Health state Perception


Sela Lim,Department of Clinical Psychology, NungIn University, Paltan-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Repulic of Korea
HeeJung Lee*,Department of Naturopathic, Dongbang Culture University, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Repulic of Korea


This study explored correlation of People of S city’s for chakra meditation experience motivation, and Anxiety to confirm mediation model and path of physical and emotional and social state perception. To this end, data was collected from 223 survey results conducted by 250. The survey consisted of, the Chakra Meditation Experience Motivation scale, the Mental Health (SCL90-R) Questionnaire for Anxiety and The Korean Health Status Measure. The results were analyzed by SPSS macro program. To verify average and standard deviation of variables and mediation model of how chakra meditation experience motivation to mental health through, health state Perception the author used bootstrapping methods. For the research result, this study presented descriptive statics for each variable of respondents’ and conducted correlation analysis among Chakra meditation experience motivation(self-exploration) to Anxiety through emotional health state perception (B=0.821, CI: [0.123~1.788]). However, the path model on the relationship among Chakra meditation experience motivation(self-exploration) and emotional health state perception and Anxiety was verified and suggested as well.



Chakra meditation experienced people, Chakra meditation experience motivation, Mental health, Health state perception, Mediation effect


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  • APA:
    Lim,S.& Lee*,H.J.(2020). Self-Exploration on Anxiety in Chakra Meditation Experienced People - The Mediation Effect of Emotional Health state Perception. International Journal of Social Welfare Promotion and Management, 7(1), 15-24. 10.21742/IJSWPM.2020.7.1.03
  • Harvard:
    Lim,S., Lee*,H.J.(2020). "Self-Exploration on Anxiety in Chakra Meditation Experienced People - The Mediation Effect of Emotional Health state Perception". International Journal of Social Welfare Promotion and Management, 7(1), pp.15-24. doi:10.21742/IJSWPM.2020.7.1.03
  • IEEE:
    [1] S.Lim, H.J.Lee*, "Self-Exploration on Anxiety in Chakra Meditation Experienced People - The Mediation Effect of Emotional Health state Perception". International Journal of Social Welfare Promotion and Management, vol.7, no.1, pp.15-24, Apr. 2020
  • MLA:
    Lim Sela and Lee* HeeJung. "Self-Exploration on Anxiety in Chakra Meditation Experienced People - The Mediation Effect of Emotional Health state Perception". International Journal of Social Welfare Promotion and Management, vol.7, no.1, Apr. 2020, pp.15-24, doi:10.21742/IJSWPM.2020.7.1.03


  • Volume 7, No. 1, 2020
  • ISSN(p):2205-8435
  • ISSN(e):2207-5321
  • Published:Apr. 2020