A Detailed Review about Attacks on WSNs
N. Thirupathi Rao,Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology, Visakhapatnam, AP, India
Debnath Bhattacharyya,Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology, Visakhapatnam, AP, India
Remote sensor systems have an arrangement of calculations and conventions with self-building up abilities. The current sensors or the sensors used in these sensor networks will work wirelessly by locating at various locations of the actual requirement. The major advantage of these sensor networks are that these network nodes can be placed at various locations where it will be more difficult for the human beings or persons to enter and collect data. In such dangerous places also these nodes can be placed and can collect the data from time to time. As a result of such important facilities, the utilization such node sin these networks are becoming very high and the usage of such networks had grown a lot. In these current days, the networks which were built with the combination of such nodes and networks are built and the attackers always are ready to tap or attack such networks and hack the data. Once the data had collected and can be used for various other benefits and the actual user or the network established person or the company had to lose the data and also can be used such important data for various other anti social issues. Hence, the attacks on these nodes and networks can be treated seriously and can be considered with various preventive measures. In the current paper an attempt has been made to present some important points and issues to be noted for the establishment and working of the network. Different assaults are performed in this system, for example, inactive and dynamic assaults or insider and outcast assaults. The remotely arrange required continuously security as information respectability, secrecy, legitimacy and so forth.
Security, networks, sensors, attacks, cyber threats, physical attacks on nodes, nodes, issues
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