Research on the Potential of Energy Internet Business Model Based on Blockchain Technology
Fan Zhipeng,Harbin University of Commerce, Harbin, China
In recent years, as digital cryptocurrencies have gradually entered people's field of vision, the underlying blockchain technology has also attracted the attention of researchers. As a distributed ledger technology, blockchain has the characteristics of multi-party maintenance, non-tampering, openness and transparency. At the same time, blockchain technology is considered to be a technology with more research significance after the Internet. Blockchain technology has distributed accounting and storage, does not rely on data backup of intermediate institutions, and nodes share resources through smart contracts and are open and transparent, automatic execution, mandatory performance, and non-tamperable. This article combines blockchain and energy Internet technology. Because both have the characteristics of decentralization, high autonomy, marketization, and intelligence, they have greater application prospects. This article describes the application scenario analysis of distributed transactions in the energy Internet. First, the regional electricity sales model based on blockchain technology will be adopted to promote the implementation of distributed smart energy metering and settlement scenarios through a trustless smart contract mechanism. Secondly, it elaborates the business model of internal bidding energy consumption based on the weak centralization of blockchain technology. This model uses multi-party bidding to optimize the allocation of resources such as cold, heat, and electricity, restores the commodity and financial attributes of energy, and can greatly improve the energy efficiency and economic benefits of the microgrid.
Blockchain; Energy Internet; Distributed; Smart Contract
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