Research on Point of Interest Recommendation Algorithm Based on Spatial Clustering


Liguo Zheng,Dept. of Computer and Information Engineering School, Harbin Normal University, China


In order to solve the problem of recommendation of points of interest, this paper proposes an algorithm of recommendation of points of interest based on user check-in space clustering. According to the administrative region information of interest points in LBSN and the distribution characteristics of user check-in, a new spatial clustering algorithm is designed in this paper. First, according to the distribution of user check-ins, the whole data set was clustered in cities, and the user rating information was normalized. Then the recommendation scores of candidate recommendation points were calculated according to the user preference model, social relation model and geographical correlation model. The final recommendation list is obtained by calculating the recommendation probability of the points of interest. Experiments on the Yelp data set show that the proposed algorithm has higher precision and recall rate than the traditional algorithm.



LBSN, POI, Recommendation algorithm, Space clustering, YELP


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  • APA:
    Zheng,L.(2020). Research on Point of Interest Recommendation Algorithm Based on Spatial Clustering . International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 15(1), 17-26. 10.21742/IJMUE.2020.15.1.02
  • Harvard:
    Zheng,L.(2020). "Research on Point of Interest Recommendation Algorithm Based on Spatial Clustering ". International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 15(1), pp.17-26. doi:10.21742/IJMUE.2020.15.1.02
  • IEEE:
    [1] L.Zheng, "Research on Point of Interest Recommendation Algorithm Based on Spatial Clustering ". International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, vol.15, no.1, pp.17-26, May. 2020
  • MLA:
    Zheng Liguo. "Research on Point of Interest Recommendation Algorithm Based on Spatial Clustering ". International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, vol.15, no.1, May. 2020, pp.17-26, doi:10.21742/IJMUE.2020.15.1.02


  • Volume 15, No. 1, 2020
  • ISSN(p):1975-0080
  • ISSN(e):2652-1954
  • Published:May. 2020