Research on Blockchain Hybrid Consensus Algorithm Based on Internet of Things
Fan Zhipeng,Harbin University of Commerce, Harbin, China
This article explains the relevant content and related concepts of the blockchain, and studies the architecture and several core technologies of the blockchain. This article introduces the consensus problem and the distributed consistency problem, and elaborates the principles of several consensus algorithms that are widely used in the blockchain, including the PoW consensus algorithm, the PoS consensus algorithm, and the PBFT consensus algorithm. In view of the shortcomings of a single consensus algorithm, a hybrid consensus algorithm was redesigned. This article proposes that the PBFT consensus algorithm has a high execution efficiency, and is mainly responsible for the processing of transactions and smart contracts to meet the consensus algorithm's demand for high execution efficiency. Open the Byzantine committee node rotation election function in PBFT to PoW nodes. The committee nodes are selected by PoW nodes, and any node can participate and become a PoW node to ensure the degree of decentralization of the consensus algorithm, and thereby ensure the security of the consensus algorithm. Experimental results and data show that compared with the original consensus algorithm, the hybrid consensus algorithm is better in terms of throughput and latency. The hybrid consensus algorithm combines the two-consensus algorithm consensus of PBFT and PoW to solve the problem of decentralization and performance. Contradiction.
Internet of Things; Blockchain; Trust mechanism; Hybrid consensus algorithm
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