Emotion Recognition using Facial Expression
Jay Naimesh Patel,Department of Computer Science, Lakehead University, Canada
Jinan Fiaidhi,Department of Computer Science, Lakehead University, Canada
In recent years, research has shown an increased development of social networking applications. Social networking applications are recently getting wider interest among people of different ages. But due to irrelevant posts, the mood of a user can get affected. The project "Emotion Recognition Using Facial Expression" is based on a new concept where a person can filter friends' posts by emotions. The emotion would be detected from a facial expression. Using this application, a sad person's mood can be elevated as sad posts will be filtered out (as only happy posts will be seen). To develop the mobile application of this project, Android Studio was used. Python and TensorFlow were used to train the model. For data storage purposes, Firebase was used as it is compatible with any other platform.
Emotion recognition, Python, TensorFlow, Android studio
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