National Fitness 100: Significance and Operational Needs in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Hyun-Chul Jeong,Teacher, Jeonbuk National University High School, South Korea
The COVID 19 pandemic has led to a gradual weakening of people’s health and physical strength worldwide. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce various nation-led measures to improve citizens’ health. This study looked at the significance of participation in Korea’s National Fitness 100 project, a national program under the National Sports Promotion Act of Korea. The study explored the project’s operations to determine its significance and to evaluate its effectiveness in improving Koreans’ physical fitness and well-being during the ongoing health crisis. The subjects were four fitness professionals and four citizen participants with experience with the National Physical Fitness 100 program. Data were collected through individual and group interviews. Overall, the participants expressed satisfaction with the service, saying it gave them a sense of pride and challenged them to improve. Moving forward will require the efficient operation of the Stamina 100 project and the development of additional certifications, including the Sports Activity Certification. In addition, health, nutrition, hygiene, and fitness data should be integrated through collaborative governance to monitor improvements among the participants nationwide.
National fitness 100, Fitness certification system, Fitness certification center, Sports activity certification, COVID 19
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