Reduction of the Patient Hygiene Performance Index Based on an Oral Hygiene Program Using Oral Camera
Sun-ju Kim,Dept. of dental hygiene, Cheongju University, Korea
Considering the increased incidence of oral diseases and continuous increase in dental costs, and the escalating implementation of ICT and U-healthcare, we here investigated the effect of a remote oral hygiene management program for reducing dental plaque, based on communication between a hospital and patients using information and communication technology. The plaque index of the participants in this study decreased markedly by the end of the program, indicating that the program improved the oral hygiene status of participants by improving their oral hygiene skills, subsequently leading to effective removal of dental plaque. This study illustrates a new oral hygiene management model that may suit the changing dental field by verifying the effectiveness of an oral hygiene program.
Oral health education, Oral camera, PHP index, Dental plaque
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