Gait Analysis in Adult people with Hip Retrotorsion


DongSik Oh,Dept. of Physical Therapy, Division of Health Science, Hanseo University, Korea


The purpose of this study was to conduct gait analysis of the hip joints of adults with retrotorsion when walking down stairs. Methods: Ten students with hip retrotorsion were selected from 230 healthy men and women. Results: The range of motion in the retrotorsion group in the sagittal and frontal planes was not significantly different in either joint (p>.05), but the affected side at the transverse plane had a significantly lower range of motion than the non-affected side (p<.05). There was no significant difference in either joint in the normal group in all planes (p>.05). Conclusion: During stair descent in adults with hip retrotorsion, the affected side showed greater internal rotation and a lower abduction angle than the non-affected side. We expect these findings to help in preventing musculoskeletal disorders that may occur in daily life due to femoral torsion and to offer valuable information regarding walking.



Descending stairs, Femur, Kinematics, Range of motion, Torsion


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  • APA:
    Oh,D.S.(2019). Gait Analysis in Adult people with Hip Retrotorsion. International Journal of IT-based Public Health Management, 6(2), 27-34. 10.21742/IJIPHM.2019.6.2.05
  • Harvard:
    Oh,D.S.(2019). "Gait Analysis in Adult people with Hip Retrotorsion". International Journal of IT-based Public Health Management, 6(2), pp.27-34. doi:10.21742/IJIPHM.2019.6.2.05
  • IEEE:
    [1] D.S.Oh, "Gait Analysis in Adult people with Hip Retrotorsion". International Journal of IT-based Public Health Management, vol.6, no.2, pp.27-34, Nov. 2019
  • MLA:
    Oh DongSik. "Gait Analysis in Adult people with Hip Retrotorsion". International Journal of IT-based Public Health Management, vol.6, no.2, Nov. 2019, pp.27-34, doi:10.21742/IJIPHM.2019.6.2.05


  • Volume 6, No. 2, 2019
  • ISSN(p):2205-8508
  • ISSN(e):2207-3965
  • Published:Nov. 2019