Validation of Relevance of Optional Attributes and Place Attachment and Duration of Exercise
Jae-Deung Kim,University of Suwon, Korea University
Jung-In Yoo,University of Suwon, Korea University
This study influenced gender and exercise sustainability as an optional attribute of water sports participants. Click on the icon in the rankings to win a swarm. First, reliability analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were performed using SPSS WIN 21.0 and AMOS 21.0 statistical programs. Second, an analysis was conducted to verify the difference of measurement variables based on demographic characteristics. Third, the parameters are combined to perform integral analysis. Verifying the last influence. First, there was a statistically significant difference between the variables according to demographic characteristics. Second, there is a statistically or negatively related relationship between the measured variables. Finally, the selected attributes have a statistically significant effect on place attachment and duration of exercise. In conclusion, the optional attributes of water sports participants have a positive effect on place attachment and duration of exercise.
Continuous exercise, Optional attributes, Place attachment, Regression analysis, Water Sports
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