A study on a correlation among traumatic event experiences, self-esteem, and stress responses in life safety police officer
Seung-Woo Han,Assistant professor, Department of Emergency Medical Technology, Kyungil University.
Hye-Sun Keum,Professor, Colleget of Nursing, Hosan University
Mi-Young Woo,Professor, Colleget of Nursing, Hosan University
Young-Hwa Kim,Associate professor, Department of Emergency Medical Technology, Kyungil University.
Purpose: This research is a descriptive research aimed at identifying traumatic event experiences, self-esteem, and stress responses of police officer in the life safety department and to find out their correlation. Method: Data were collected from 194 male police officers who worked in the life safety departments of 10 police stations in “D” city. The collected data was analyzed pearson’s correlation coefficient. Result: There was not correlated between trauma event experiences and self-esteem. However, the relationship between trauma event experiences and stress response showed a significant positive correlation. Stress response showed a significant negative correlation with self-esteem. Conclusion: Various psychological programs and educational interventions will be required to improve self-esteem and reduce stress responses.
Police officer, Traumatic event experience, Self-esteem, Stress response
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