Communication Competency on Among Korean Clinical Nurses working in small- and medium-sized hospitals


Mi-Young Moon,


Objectives: This study was undertaken to investigate communication competency of clinical nurses working in small- and medium-sized hospitals. Methods: The participants were 187 clinical nurses working in 7 small- and medium-sized hospitals. Data were collected from September 18 to October 20, 2017 and analyzed using the SPSS 21.0 program. Results: As for the differences among communication competency by general characteristics, communication competency differed significantly by satisfaction with the current department (p=.006). They scored 3.41±0.44 for communication competency. As for the mean of the 15 sub-factors, they scored 3.81±0.70 for responsiveness, 3.81±0.60 for concentration, 2.97±0.70 for interaction management, and 3.18±0.58 for turnover intention . Conclusion: The findings of this study support the importance of the communication competency of clinical nurses working in small- and medium-sized hospitals for efficient human resource management, Studies for developing programs to facilitate communication competency of clinical nurses are highly recommended.



small- and medium-sized hospitals, nurses, communication competence


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  • APA:
    Moon,M.Y.(2019). Communication Competency on Among Korean Clinical Nurses working in small- and medium-sized hospitals. International Journal of IT-based Public Health Management, 6(1), 27-34. 10.21742/IJIPHM.2019.6.1.05
  • Harvard:
    Moon,M.Y.(2019). "Communication Competency on Among Korean Clinical Nurses working in small- and medium-sized hospitals". International Journal of IT-based Public Health Management, 6(1), pp.27-34. doi:10.21742/IJIPHM.2019.6.1.05
  • IEEE:
    [1] M.Y.Moon, "Communication Competency on Among Korean Clinical Nurses working in small- and medium-sized hospitals". International Journal of IT-based Public Health Management, vol.6, no.1, pp.27-34, May. 2019
  • MLA:
    Moon Mi-Young. "Communication Competency on Among Korean Clinical Nurses working in small- and medium-sized hospitals". International Journal of IT-based Public Health Management, vol.6, no.1, May. 2019, pp.27-34, doi:10.21742/IJIPHM.2019.6.1.05


  • Volume 6, No. 1, 2019
  • ISSN(p):2205-8508
  • ISSN(e):2207-3965
  • Published:May. 2019