Educational Needs of Nursing Student in the Development of a Virtual Reality-Based Program for Medication Education
Ji Won Oak,Department of Nursing, Tongmyong University, Busan, Korea
The purpose of this study is to verify the experience and training needs of virtual reality (VR)-based programs for nursing students and to obtain preliminary information to develop a practical training program for medication based on VR. Data collection was conducted for 168 nursing students from June to September, 2017. As a result, 7.7% experienced VR education programs and 76.6% answered that they did not have any opportunity. 58.0% reported that they should solve the problem related to wearing the VR device and the health problems such as dizziness (30.0%). The virtual reality program is better to be applied to the fundamental nursing practice (34.0%). there was a high demand for voluntary practice for medication nursing. It is necessary to have a program that can confirm their own abilities before the fundamental nursing practice test (15.6%) and to solve the question of whether they are practicing correctly (38.5%). The results of this study can be used to provide a basis by developing a self-directed practice program for VR-based medication reflecting the needs of learners and suggest a new direction of nursing education by combining the integrated research with advanced science.
Needs assessment, Virtual reality, Fundamental nursing, Medication, Self- directed practice
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