Effect of Kinesio Taping on Gait in Total Knee Replacement
Junhyuck Park,Dept. of Physical Therapy, Sahmyook University, Seoul, Korea
Wonjae Choi,
Seungwon Lee,
Objective: This study was to evaluate the effect of kinesio taping on gait in total knee re-placement.Methods: To achieve the goal of this study, the medical opinion was obtained re-garding 15 female patients with advanced degenerative arthritis of knee joint and knee joint was replaced with total knee replacement. The average age of the study group was 62.27 years. Optogait and electromyographic activity(EMG) were measured. The conclusion ob-tained on the basis of the result of comparative analysis on the time consumed at the time of walking by the no taping group and the taping group. Total knee replacement patient's radio-logical evaluations were done with tibiofemoral angle on knee standing anteroposterior view. Gait analysis was done with optogait and EMG technique to get the data of gait features of the study group. Knee flexion angle and gait parameters, muscle activity and prolonged time analyses were done. The gait of the each participant was assessed on the treated limb in three consecutive trials at fast speed and comfortable speed. Results: This study showed that the stride length, step length, speed, stance phase(%) was significantly increased in taping group (p<.05) at comfortable speed. The results of this study showed that the stance phase(%), gait cy-cle, speed, cadence was significantly increased in taping group (p<.05) at fast speed. The results of this study showed that the knee flexion angle of loading response, mid stance, pre swing was significantly increased in taping group (p<.05) at comfortable speed and the knee flexion angle of loading response was significantly increased in taping group (p<.05) at fast speed. The rectus femoris offset time was significantly decrease in taping group (p<.05) and the rectus femoris du-ration time was significantly decrease in taping group (p<.05) at com-fortable speed. The rectus femoris, tibialis anterior, medial gastrocnemius duration time was significantly decrease in tap-ing group (p<.05) at fast speed. Conclusions: Regarding EMG on rectus femoris, the taping helped the flexion of a knee at the time of supporting a weight, effec-tively progressed the weight movement, and made a transmission of proper gravity. the taping supported the role of assisting a stability which antagonistic muscle had, reduced the move-ment to the previous direction, and decreased the load upon the muscle.
total knee replacement, athletic tape, gait, electromyography, quadriceps muscle, aged, fe-male
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