The comparison research of the contact interval testing for the four different placing methods of Implant Fixture and Abutment
Soo-chul Park,Department of Dental Technology, Gimcheon University, 214 Daehakro Gimcheon City, Gyeongbuk 740-704, KOREA
Jung-Hwa Lee,Department of Dental Hygiene, College of Nursing and Healthcare Sciences, Dong Eui University, 176 Eomgwangno Busan jingu, Busan City, 47340, KOREA
This study carried out contact interval tests for the purpose of evaluating differences of contact intervals between fixtures and abutments after fixing 4-kind implant (N=4) fixtures and abutments having different clamping methods. As a result of doing tests on 4-kind implant contact interval tests having different clamping methods, contact intervals between fixtures and abutments of Internal hexagon connection implant, and contact intervals between fixtures and abutments of Internal octagon connection implant were measured lowest.
Dental Implant, fixture to abutment joint, micro-gap, Implant systems
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