Respiratory Signal Analysis using PCA, FFT and ARTFA (A Generalized Comment)


Varun Gupta,NIT, Kurukshetra
Monika Mitta,


Sinus patient are increasing day by day in the world, may be human as well as animals. That’s why today signal analysis has been the need to know the diseases in the patient. Biomedical signal processing has great importance in the life of every human and animals. In absence of biomedical signal processing (BSP) signals cannot be analysed resulting in failure of disease acknowledgment. In this paper we have analysed the respiratory signals of Sinus and Normal Person using principal component analysis (PCA), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Autoregressive Time-Frequency Analysis (ARTFA). PCA is used to derive a relatively small number of decor related linear combinations (principal components) of a set of random zero-mean variables while also retaining the signal information as much as possible. Autoregressive time-frequency analysis allows us to follow the changes in frequencies involved in the signal through time. For this we require to see the frequency changes in time. FFT examine the signal in frequency domain that calculates the spectral function. This paper describes the application of principal component analysis (PCA), a technique allowing the reduction of the data set dimensionality. In this paper we have calculated the variance of First Principal Component and Second Principal Component in Sinus and Normal Person and these are 86.94%, 13.05% and 92.733%, 7.266% respectively.



Biomedical signal processing, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Autoregressive Time-Frequency Analysis (ARTFA), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), variance.


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  • APA:
    Gupta,V.& Mitta,M.(2016). Respiratory Signal Analysis using PCA, FFT and ARTFA (A Generalized Comment). International Journal of IT-based Public Health Management, 3(2), 7-14. 10.21742/IJIPHM.2016.3.2.02
  • Harvard:
    Gupta,V., Mitta,M.(2016). "Respiratory Signal Analysis using PCA, FFT and ARTFA (A Generalized Comment)". International Journal of IT-based Public Health Management, 3(2), pp.7-14. doi:10.21742/IJIPHM.2016.3.2.02
  • IEEE:
    [1] V.Gupta, M.Mitta, "Respiratory Signal Analysis using PCA, FFT and ARTFA (A Generalized Comment)". International Journal of IT-based Public Health Management, vol.3, no.2, pp.7-14, Jul. 2016
  • MLA:
    Gupta Varun and Mitta Monika. "Respiratory Signal Analysis using PCA, FFT and ARTFA (A Generalized Comment)". International Journal of IT-based Public Health Management, vol.3, no.2, Jul. 2016, pp.7-14, doi:10.21742/IJIPHM.2016.3.2.02


  • Volume 3, No. 2, 2016
  • ISSN(p):2205-8508
  • ISSN(e):2207-3965
  • Published:Jul. 2016