Trends of Possible 2020 Seoul Tracking Fire
Hong-Ki Park,Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Seoul, Seoulsiripdaero, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea
In Seoul, tracking fires have been on the rise among fires in commercial and residential buildings for five years. When wires or electrical equipment in old buildings contain moisture from the atmosphere and dust or other objects are attached to conductors, micro discharge progresses gradually, creating challenging passages on the surface to track where fires occur. In this paper, it can be represented as the annual deterioration phenomenon of challenging clause softener in the use of environmental aged electrical equipment. The purpose was to analyze the increase and decrease of electrical fires after 2020 by identifying the insulation and conductivity of the VCTF wires used in aged electricity facilities. Experiments on electrical wires under the environment. Compared to simple correlation, Seoul since 2020.Under the environment, we will predict the increase and decrease of tracked electric fires and use them as basic data for future composite disaster models.
Tracking electric fires, Electrical facilities aging, Insulation, Degradation, VCTF
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