Agricultural Based Android Application
Mariyam Beebi,III B.Tech Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vignan’s Institute of Informatoion Technology (Autonomous), Visakhapatnam, India
G Veneela,III B.Tech Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vignan’s Institute of Informatoion Technology (Autonomous), Visakhapatnam, India
Jalluri Guna Sekhar,III B.Tech Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vignan’s Institute of Informatoion Technology (Autonomous), Visakhapatnam, India
Ch Sudhakar,Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vignan’s Institute of Informatoion Technology (Autonomous), Visakhapatnam, India
The main scope of project “Agro-web” is to develop an android application to help farmers to get a good yield in their cultivation. Technology is playing very prominent role now-a-days. So, this application supports and helps farmers for a better yield of crops. In this application process of complete crop is been defined and along with that it deals with all the kinds of diseases that crops are facing and their solutions. User can also ask their queries on their crops. In this way, one can easily know the procedure for better yield of crops. Deploying this “Agro-Web” serves as an early support and handy tool for farmers or cultivators for a better cultivation.
Agriculture, Web, Application, Android
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