Meta-Analysis of the Variables related to Subjective Well-being of Youth
Sung-Joo Kang,Hyupsung Univ, Korea
Hyoun-Yong Kwon,Hyupsung Univ, Korea
This study aims to provide basic data for youth’s healthy psychosocial growth through the meta-analysis of protective factors and risk factors related to “the subjective well-being” of youth (middle & high school students). A total of 66 articles, including 44 theses and 22 journal papers were finally selected for the meta-analysis. Here are the results of the study. First, the effect size of protective factors of youth’s “the subjective well-being” was mid-level, similar to that of individual characteristics variables and family variables and the effect size of social variables was relatively lower than the mid-level. Second, the effect size of risk factors of youth’s “the subjective well-being” was all below mid-level, and the effect size of family variables was highest. The effect size of individual characteristics variables was in order of mental-health, neurotic personality, and family variable’s instability attachment were relatively high. Based on these results, it is meaningful that this study provided the practical data to develop education, and group counseling program for improving “the subjective well-being” and seek how to approach the improvement of “the subjective well-being” in personal counseling.
The subjective well-being, Youth (middle & high school students), Meta-analysis, Protective factors, Risk factors
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