Understanding activity participation in children with physical disabilities in Korea
Se-Yun Kim,Dept. of Physical Therapy, Woosuk University, Korea
This study aims to identify the diversity and intensity of participation of school-aged children with physical disabilities and to investigate the effects of individual and family variables on the participation intensity. The Activity Participation Assessment (APA) was conducted on 93 children with physical disabilities aged 7-15 years to assess the diversity and intensity of participation. The research result are as follows. First, children with physical disabilities participated in more Activity of Daily Living (ADL), instrument ADL, and craft. Second, the intensity of participation of children with physical disabilities was 1.56 (SD 0.41) on average for APA all domains. Third, sex differences were found in sports (p<0.01), children over 14 years were significantly lower than those of other groups in both the diversity and intensity of participation. Fourth, the higher the disability rating, the lower the number of multiple disabilities, children took part in greater numbers of activities (p<0.01) and higher frequency in all domains except ADL domain (p<0.01). Finally, the higher the educational level of caregiver, the higher the participation frequency of children (p<0.05).
Child, Participation, Physical disability, School-age
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