Proposal for CDN applied Network Architecture in Network environment using Internet and SDN Network


Pill-Won Park,Dongguk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea


Today's users consume much more content including multimedia such as video and use network-based services. Additionally, users of the mobile device are increased exponentially. Although multimedia content and network-based services take up a large portion of network traffic and consumes the computing power of the server. Therefore, the higher the consumption of high-capacity content, the longer the distance between the server and the client, the more the consumption of various services, the burden on the network and the server will inevitably increase. Various techniques have been proposed to solve these problems. However, the network environment for these methods are presupposed slightly different from each other, so it is difficult to apply directly. Also, more and more regions overlap with other communication methods such as Ethernet networks and mobile networks. The traffic control solutions that are applicable only to specific network methods, such as conventional techniques, are difficult to cope with overall. In this paper, we assume a situation where there is a single trusted node at both the service provider and the consumer (such as a school or company), and multiple users simultaneously consume content that generates high-capacity traffic over Ethernet and SDN networks. In this environment, edge computing and CDN mechanism can be used to reduce the load on the network.



Content delivery networks (CDN); Software Defined Networking (SDN), OpenFlow; Packet Delivery Cost; Edge computing


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  • APA:
    Park,P.W.(2019). Proposal for CDN applied Network Architecture in Network environment using Internet and SDN Network. International journal of communication technology for social networking services, 7(1), 1-8.
  • Harvard:
    Park,P.W.(2019). "Proposal for CDN applied Network Architecture in Network environment using Internet and SDN Network". International journal of communication technology for social networking services, 7(1), pp.1-8. doi:
  • IEEE:
    [1]P.W.Park, "Proposal for CDN applied Network Architecture in Network environment using Internet and SDN Network". International journal of communication technology for social networking services, vol.7, no.1, pp.1-8, Nov. 2019
  • MLA:
    Park Pill-Won. "Proposal for CDN applied Network Architecture in Network environment using Internet and SDN Network". International journal of communication technology for social networking services, vol.7, no.1, Nov. 2019, pp.1-8, doi:


  • Volume 7, No. 1, 2019
  • ISSN(p):2205-863X
  • ISSN(o):2207-4252
  • Published:Nov. 2019