Applications of Deep Learning: A Review
Ming Chen,Harbin University of Commerce, China
Jie Shen,Harbin University of Commerce, China
N.Thirupathi Rao,Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology (A)Visakhapatnam, AP, India
The utilization of deep learning and its related techniques was growing in a faster manner by day to day research. As the technology was developing, the utilization of these technologies also growing in a faster manner. This technology is the latest and advanced technology available in the market today. The utilization of these techniques is providing some good and encouraging results when compared to the previous existing methods and solutions for the current day problems. The implementation of AI, ML and Deep learning methods are providing the researchers some set of new ways and new solutions. These results are encouraging the researchers further such that to go for next level of research by incorporating these techniques in the more and more related areas. Hence, in the current paper, brief details about the deep learning and its applications are presented. The various existing applications and the technologies available in the market can be processed and further can be studied with the other set of applications.
AI, ML, deep learning, black and white images, security, safety, firewalls, image recognition, hand writing, a translation of data.
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